Sunday, July 11, 2010

a big ole catch-up....

Wow, I can't even begin to explain how busy things have been in the Turner household lately! I'm sure it's quite obvious, being that I haven't blogged since May 31. Oops!! I wanted to write a big, huge update, more for my own archival purposes, but also for any of you who may care to know what we've been up to!

Well, he has FINALLY decided to start walking...all the time...everywhere. He was taking several steps at the beginning of May and then would take up to 10-12 steps at the beginning of June, but still just wouldn't take off and go. Then, finally towards the end of June, he started walking everywhere, BUT, if he fell, then he would just crawl. Until just within the past 3 days! Reilly was visiting DeeDee and Poppi this week, so I had some one-on-one time with Braxton. I literally followed him around and everytime he fell down from walking, I would make him (literally!) stand up right where he was (instead of crawling over to something he could pull up on) and start walking again. And finally, he can do it! Whew....I didn't think he was ever going to stop crawling!

Much to my frustration (thanks to my child-development background!), he is still not talking though! Wow, is he the result of a 2nd-born BOY, or what?! He says two things, "mama" (which hardly EVER means me, but could mean anything from "eat" to "more" to "where's Daddy"?) and will sign for "please". and that's it. ugh! He's in this lovely little stage of grunting, whining, or otherwise screaming to get our attention or to get his point across. It's real fun. seriously. :)

He's eating like a PIG. His little belly even swells up after each meal b/c he's so full! We just had his 15 mo. check-up last week and he still only weighs 23 pounds (40%tile) but he's 32" tall which puts him around 70%tile for height. He still loves to laugh and be silly, which I just LOVE about him! He also still loves his big sister, despite how many times she bops him on the head, pushes him down, "helps" him when he doesn't need any help, or squeezes, aka "hugs", him until he screams. He loves her! He also loves to play in water: bathtubs, water tables, or pools. He is starting to experiment with tantrums, which just ends up being pretty funny to us! Again, a result of being a 2nd child? I think so! Just within the past week, he has given up his morning nap. Which, I like some days, but then other days I think I'm never going to make until 2:00 (afternoon naptime!). It definitely makes for a long morning to find things to do! But, when we have errands to run or things to do, it sure is nice to not have to rush home by 10:00 for him to sleep!

Hmmm...let's just say, sometimes I wonder if I'm speaking to a 13 yr. old or a 3 yr. old!! Wow, has she developed quite the sassy personality these days! While she continues to blow us away with the things she thinks about ("mommy, where is Heaven?" "mommy, why is that the freezer and that the refrigerator?....b/c that's the way God made it?") and when she wants to be, she can be so thoughtful, giving, and compassionate. But, the thing that we are still trying to navigate is dealing with the strong-will that she so proudly possesses! I really am beginning to worry about her pre-teen/teenage years if we are already dealing with arguing like this! Whoa! Some serious prayers are already being said about the wisdom and discernment we are obviously lacking as parents!

She is quite a fish this summer and is loving the pool! She's taken some swim lessons which have apparently given her a false sense of confidence at the pool these days! She still makes me a bit nervous, but it is so nice to have her more comfortable with the water now that I also have Braxton to keep up with :)

She is SO into friends and having friends to play with these days. She always wants someone to come over or go outside to play with friends when they are out. Quite the social butterfly, I'd say! She also LOVES going to DeeDee and Poppi's house, where she just spent the last 5 days. Riding horses, cleaning out stalls, giving horses baths, slip-n-sliding, going to the Science Center...what's not to love about that?!
her best bud, Grace

a Strawberry Shortcake look-a-like?!

another best buddy, Sohpie

I am SO super proud of my husband! Just last week he finished his 5th college class in 6 months!!! And, I might add, he was on the Dean's List every session....and worked 50+ hours a week and was the best daddy ever and took care of me as his wife. Yes, he is a rock star! I'm so glad he decided to take the 2nd summer session off and have a break for the next 6 weeks before the fall session starts up again! He's already registered for the fall classes!
Let's just say that my business has been blessed! I have been SO busy these past 2 months, it's really crazy. But, we are so grateful at how God provides for us and takes care of our needs. I am still trying to catch up from shooting two weddings on back-to-back weekends in June, along with 6 family sessions and then 4 more sessions while we were at the beach last week! I am definitely struggling with the incredible game of BALANCE that my life requires these days. Let's just say, discipline is not my strong point! I feel like that due to my OCD/perfectionist attitude related to work, I am having a really hard time letting work just "sit" while I play with my kids or clean the house or do laundry, etc. I have come to the conclusion that the whole "office-in-the-playroom" scenario is NOT working any more. Shawn and I are going to take my desk and set up a real office in the extra bedroom so I can hopefully do a better job of separating work and home! I tell you what, it's quite challenging being a work-at-home mom!!
So, that's the update! Read the 4 posts below to find out what else we've been up to!

Pops in the Park!

Shawn and I have only been down to the annual Pops in the Park craze a couple times and they were both "pre kids"! We've been wanting to go back, but didn't know how having two young children in tow would work!! We finally made plans with the Dreschers and the Carsons and headed down a couple weeks ago. Since Josh and Lara live close to Southpark, they staked out our space for us at 8:00 in the morning and marked it with a gigantic brown tarp. We all packed our own picnic dinners and met up around 6:00 to find out space ready for us...surrounded by a sea of other tarps and tons of people! It always amazes how serious people are about the spectacle of Pops in the Park...the Charlotte symphony playing in an outdoor ampitheater. We had a blast, but it was kinda sad that the actual symphony didn't even start until 8:15, and we had to roll out by 8:30 since Braxton was beginning to fall apart b/c he was tired. But, the social excitement was enough to allow us all to enjoy the adventure. Maybe next year we can go back and actually stay for the music! :)

Ellie, Ava, Reilly and Jordan

Reilly with her buddy, Mr. James

Fathers' Day 2010

We had a fun adventure to celebrate Shawn this year! Since I was shooting a wedding on Sunday, we celebrated on Saturday instead. Reilly and Braxton and I made Daddy some breakfast and then gave him tons of cards. Then, we packed up an awesome picnic and headed down to the National Whitewater Center! That place is AWESOME! We've never been before but have wanted to check it out for so long. We really didn't have any idea what to expect when we got there, but it was fun exploring! We put Braxton in the backpack carrier and just started hiking. We hiked all around the river and checked out all that they have to offer there. then we settled down overlooking the main whitewater area for a fabulous picnic. The kids had so much fun and I don't think I've ever seen Reilly's face that shade of RED was so super hot! Shawn and I already have plans to go back to the Center when we have a weekend to ourselves in a couple weeks to celebrate our anniversary.

discovery place!

On Memorial Day, we had plans to go to the pool with DeeDee and Poppi to kick-off the summer season! Serious thunderstorms and torrential rains ruined those plans, so we instead opted for a trip to Discovery Place! We've never taken the kids before and it was really fun. Reilly had a blast and we can't wait for the Discovery Place Kids to open in Huntersville this fall that will be geared even more toward her age.

Braxton loved the water table...the biggest water table in the world! so cool.

playing the drums:

building a block tower with Daddy!
yes, that's a real snake, and yes, Reilly is touching it....meanwhile, Shawn was around the corner screaming like a girl (seriously.).

Princess Braxton!

Well, it happened. Braxton was dressed in dress, a princess dress, for what probably will NOT be the last time. He really didn't seem to mind it too much at all!! Quite funny, actually. Reilly thought nothing about it being odd or different or weird for Braxton to have on a princess dress, so I just went along with it! I don't even think Shawn knows this took place....probably a good thing...until he now sees and reads this blog posting :) Sorry babe! they were just playing...just being kids :)

the real princess:

the boy princess:

see...he's smiling!