Saturday, May 29, 2010

Reilly's 2yr-old Preschool Program

I never thought I'd find myself a little teary-eyed at Reilly's 2yr-old-preschool program this week. I think the realization and the constant reminder that life is going by SO FAST, and that it seemed like just yesterday I was dropping her off for her first day of preschool caused the emotions. Given the fact that Reilly is so much a "I'll do it only if I want to" kind of girl, I was super anxious about whether or not she would perform on stage for the program. Her teacher had already warned me that during the practice the day before, Reilly insisted that she stand beside her best friend, Sophie, or she refused to do any singing. Pleasant. As she walked out on stage with the rest of the 24 two-year-olds, the look on her face was shear and complete terror! I can't imagine what it looks like from up there looking out over the audience of some 100+ moms and dads and grandparents and VIDEO CAMERAS?!! After just a few minutes of scouring the crowd, she locked eyes with Shawn and I and immediately had a grin that spread acorss her whole face. And from that moment on, perform did she ever!! She was center stage, both literally and figuratively! It was awesome. Here are the two songs that the 2's performed....

We really were so grateful for the awesome teacher that Reilly had for her first ever exposure to a school setting. Ms.Yascur was perfect for Reilly's strong-will and continually challenged her learning. Not only that, Ms. Yascur truly loved those kids just like they were her own...and it showed. We couldnt have asked for a better teacher for Reilly. It will be hard to walk past Ms. Yascur's door next year and continue walking down the hallway to the 3-yr-old class!!

Ms. Yascur

Ms. Jones
Cayden, Gia and Reilly
Asher and Reilly

both 2yr-old classes (Reilly in the very center)

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